Custom Bracelet


Stok 99


Letakkan sentuhan pribadi Anda di salah satu desain gelang, kalung, tasbih, rosario atau japamala dan kami dapat membuat sesuatu yang unik sesuai “kebutuhan” Anda atau aura Anda. Hubungi nomer WhatsApp kami untuk mendiskusikan apa yang terbaik untuk Anda. Semua gelang, kalung dll akan dibuat disesuaikan dengan case dan kebutuhan Anda dan akan di blessing sebelum dikirim. Harga tertulis hanyalah ilustrasi, harga sebenarnya tergantung pada jenis batu kristal yang akan dirangkai nanti setelah kami mengetahui jenis batu-batu apa saja yg dibutuhkan.

Contoh foto (some of our customers custom bracelets) : custom gelang 7 cakra (custom 7 chakras bracelet), custom gelang 9 cakra (custom 9 chakras bracelet), custom rosario (custom rosary), custom grounder bracelet, custom gelang rhodochrosite moldavite, custom gelang malachite red jasper clear quartz arkansas, custom 9 cakra with herkimer diamond, custom affirmation bracelet, custom calming bracelet, custom healing wound bracelet, custom nerves bracelet, custom backpain bracelet, custom mala necklace with 12 sinergy crystals, custom mala necklace blue sapphire with 7 chakras, custom 9 chakras, custom calming bracelet, etc.

Put your own personal twist on any one of my bracelet designs or I can create something one-of-a-kind just for you! Contact me to discuss what is the best for you. Every custom will be made by your case and needs and will be blessing before ship. I LOVE helping others bring their vision to life.
This is not the exact price, totally price will be depend on the stones later on.

Additional information

Berat 100 gram